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17/bestp/domrep.nsf/SearchNew!SearchView&Query=((4581 or 4582 or 4583 or 4584 or 4585 or 4586 or 4587 or 4588 or 4589 or 4686 or 4445 or 4456 or 4458 or 4591 or 4592 or 4594 or 4619 or 4620 or 4621 or 4623 or 4633 or 4630 or 4631 or 4632 or 4622 or 4674 or 4695 or 4693) and not (4269 or 4270)) and (field ItemCatalog=DB)&SearchWV=1&AQ=(4581 or 4582 or 4583 or 4584 or 4585 or 4586 or 4587 or 4588 or 4589 or 4686 or 4445 or 4456 or 4458 or 4591 or 4592 or 4594 or 4619 or 4620 or 4621 or 4623 or 4633 or 4630 or 4631 or 4632 or 4622 or 4674 or 4695 or 4693) and not (4269 or 4270)&SearchOrder=1&Start=1&Count=10

Search Results

Results 1 - 10 of 28 Total Hits, .


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Benchmarks for the Pharmaceutical Market Research FunctionDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.

Study Overview Pharmaceutical market research, commercial analysis and business research departments struggle to find the right balance between centr... (ID 4686)
Companies Profiled: Abbott Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, 3M Pharmaceuticals, more ...


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Key Factors in Managing Pharmaceutical Sales Data InquiriesDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.

Inquiries from sales representatives are a management issue at any company... (ID 4456)
Companies Profiled: Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Novartis, more ...


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Driving Pharma R&D Quality Excellence: Key Findings, Top Challenges and Lessons LearnedDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains a practice summary Matrix.

Study Overview Leading pharmaceutical companies seek to achieve and maintain world-class excellence in all aspects of pharmaceutical quality from research and development to manufacturing... (ID 4594)
Companies Profiled: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi-aventis, Abbott Laboratories, Amgen, more ...


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Measuring Medical Affairs PerformanceDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.

Study Overview While the medical affairs function arguably plays the most crucial role in the success or failure of a pharmaceutical company, investm... (ID 4632)
Companies Profiled: Abbott, Sanofi-aventis, Amgen, AstraZeneca, more ...


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Inside Top Pharmaceutical Brands: Tactics that Drive SuccessDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.

Why do some pharmaceutical brands fail and others succeed? This 51-slide presentation identifies the specific factors that drive some brands such as ... (ID 4622)
Companies Profiled: Abbott Laboratories, Sanofi-aventis, Amgen, AstraZeneca, more ...


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Market Research Department Excellence: Key FactorsDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.

Study Overview In a rough-and-tumble global economy, companies and leaders who possess deep market insights win an edge against competitors... (ID 4581)
Companies Profiled: AstraZeneca, Sanofi-aventis, Zurich North American, Towers Perrin, more ...


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Marketing Excellence Training ProgramsDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.

Study Overview In the Pharmaceutical Industry, marketing excellence is often the lifeblood of a drug's success... (ID 4695)
Companies Profiled: Pfizer Animal Health, Abbott Laboratories, Alcon, Amgen, more ...


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Medical Affairs Staffing & Spend: Maximizing Value, Decreasing CostDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.

Study Overview With new pressures and regulations, pharmaceutical companies are looking for more ways then ever to decrease the cost of maintaining t... (ID 4631)
Companies Profiled: Abbott, Sanofi-aventis, Amgen, AstraZeneca, more ...


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The R&D Quality Function: Staffing and Structure MetricsDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.This document contains Metrics, Graphics and a practice summary Matrix.

Study Overview R&D quality functions within pharmaceutical companies do not always have access to information about how they stack up against peer functions in other companies... (ID 4591)
Companies Profiled: Sanofi-aventis, Medarex, Mayne, Cardinal Health, more ...


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Selecting Effective and Productive Investigators for Clinical TrialsDirect access to this research is not included with your membership level.This is a pharma specific study.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.This document contains Metrics and Graphics.

Study Overview Selecting top-notch clinical investigators is the most crucial step in the clinical trial process... (ID 4623)
Companies Profiled: AAI Development, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, more ...
