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APRIL 2019 Research Alert

This month we added five new studies to the Best Practice Database, the research repository for Best Practices, LLC. This month's new studies involve two areas: Lifecycle Management and Oncology Field Medical Teams. The three studies involving Lifecycle Management examine multiple aspects of how organizations are trying to squeeze additional revenue out of mature products; one of the studies deals with the cost, time, and ROI of different lifecycle strategies, the second study focuses on mature and legacy product management and the third lifecycle study is focused on success factors and barriers to key strategies for maximizing mature brands. Meanwhile, the two Oncology Field Medical Teams studies have the overarching goal of improving the impact of oncology-focused field medical teams. The two studies looking into this issue deal with staffing, thought leader engagement, managing field activities, and more.

The new Best Practices, LLC studies listed below under Newly Added Research explore how leading companies have made their operations more effective across these different areas.

Download: Lifecycle Management Excellence: Relative Cost, Time, ROI & Effectiveness of Key Strategies used to Maximize Potential of Mature Brands (5550)

With fewer products in the pipeline and more at the edge of the patent cliff, pharmaceutical and medical device companies are increasingly focused on lifecycle management strategies to make the most of each brand at every stage of the product lifecycle. This research provides benchmarks around the relative time and cost required to implement winning lifecycle management (LCM) strategies for mature brands.

Download: Lifecycle Management Excellence: Mature & Legacy Product Management (5551)

With increasing cost pressures, pharmaceutical and medical device companies are forced to maximize the potential of mature / legacy products. Best Practices, LLC undertook this study to provide an overview of the operation, expenses, responsibilities and business impact of groups dedicated to managing and supporting mature / legacy products.

Download: Optimizing the Size and Improving the Impact of Oncology Field-Based Medical Teams in Major Global Markets: Optimizing Staffing and Resources (5552)

This study will help companies fill knowledge gaps around key operational areas for oncology-focused field medical teams by providing current staffing and resource metrics in North America, Europe and globally. Leaders can utilize this study to create a road map for becoming more effective in high-potential global markets.

Download: Optimizing the Size and Improving the Impact of Oncology Field-Based Medical Teams in Major Global Markets: Thought Leader Engagement, Managing Field Activities & Productivity Level (5553)

To maximize the impact of oncology-focused field-based medical teams in high-potential global markets, organizations need to be engaging Thought Leaders effectively and efficiently. The study contains benchmarks around the duration and frequency of MSL and HOL interactions; the degree of proactive vs. reactive interactions; and the time spent on internal and external activities.

Download: Lifecycle Management Excellence: Success Factors, Barriers & Lessons Learned in Using Key Strategies to Maximize Potential of Mature Brands (5554)

Some of the lifecycle management strategies employed successfully in the past are losing traction due to current regulatory and cost pressures. Best Practices, LLC conducted this study to highlight the success factors, lessons learned and barriers for maximizing the potential of a mature brand.