Managed Care Pull-Through: Increasing Market Share after Formulary Access
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – May 20, 2011. Managed care formulary access is critical to a new pharmaceutical product, but a formulary win isn't enough anymore. Beyond formulary placement, a new brand's long-tem commercial success is tied to effective pull-through programs and processes to increase market share after the contract is signed.
To help organizations create and maintain effective pull-through programs and processes, Best Practices, LLC has published a study, "Managed Care Pull-Through Excellence: From Formulary Access to Increased Market Share." This timely research identifies quantitative benchmarks and qualitative insights that will help sales and brand leaders understand how to build an effective pull-through program and leverage Managed Care contracts to generate pharmaceutical product sales.
The term “pull-through” is defined in this study as an integrated process aimed at increasing market share and generating sales for a specific product within a given time frame. Pull-through programs are formal agreements between pharmaceutical companies and managed care accounts that specify product utilization targets, messaging themes and support programs.
The report is organized into six sections:
- Executive Summary: The executive summary explains the survey objective and methodology, identifies participating companies, provides definitions, and reports key findings and insights.
- Building an Effective Pull-Through Operation: This section discusses how companies establish structures and processes that optimize pull-through. Areas covered include pull-through leadership, planning, training, staff roles, cross-channel and cross-functional collaboration, internal communications processes and tools, use of templates, effectiveness metrics, and trends in budget and staffing levels.
- Pull-Through in Action: The section examines programs and activities that companies use to increase pull-through effectiveness. Contracting strategies, effective messaging, customer segmentation, effectiveness metrics, KOL management, and communication topics, channels and timing are among the topics covered.
- Key Challenges Faced in Accomplishing Pull-Through: Participants share the current challenges they face in their efforts to increase pull-through.
- Best Practices for Pull-Through Excellence: This section highlights the best practices for pull-through that were shared by participants in survey responses.
This 60-page study, which features 250+ metrics and 40 Best Practices, is based on an analysis of survey results and interview content collected from 33 executives at 24 organizations, including 10 of the Top 20 pharma companies.
Account Managers, sales leaders and brand executives will be able to use the information in this report to identify and close performance gaps in their pull-through organizations’ processes, programs and activities. To download a complimentary study excerpt, go to: http://www.best-in-class.com/rr1076.htm.
Best Practices, LLC is a leading benchmarking, consulting and advisory services firm serving biopharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Best Practices, LLC’s clients include all the top 10 and 48 of the top 50 global healthcare companies. The firm conducts primary research and consulting using its comprehensive proprietary benchmarking tools and analysis. The operational insights, findings and analysis form the basis for our Benchmarking Reports, databases and advisory services to support executives in commercial and R&D operations. Best Practices, LLC believes in the profound principle that organizations can chart a course to superior economic performance by studying the best business practices, operating tactics and winning strategies of world-class companies.