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Maximizing the Potential of Internal and External Communications Groups

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – May 13, 2011. An organization's internal and external communications groups serve critical - albeit very different - roles for a company. Internal communications groups relay critical benefit and corporate information to employees while external communications groups serve as the public face and voice of an organization.

Both groups have evolved in the face of new technologies and marketplace demands - creating change in the structure, resource levels and activities of internal and external communications groups in recent years. To help organizations keep pace with the demands facing internal and external communications groups, Best Practices, LLC has published a report that explores current trends in both groups with respect to their structural models, staffing needs and investment levels.

Internal and external communications leaders - as well as those who lead both groups - can use the study, "Communications Excellence: Optimizing Group Structure & Operations," to compare their current structure, resources and activities with leading companies. Participants in this benchmarking research included 32 communications executives and managers at 28 leading companies from bio-pharmaceutical, healthcare and other industry segments.

Field interviews and study analysis produced many observations and benchmark findings. Key study insights reflect opportunities across both internal and external communications functions. Across industries, internal and external communications groups interact on a frequent basis. Communications leaders believe that frequent interactions increase unity between the two groups to ensure they are maximizing staffing potential and sharing information.

This 101-page report provides separate chapters for internal and external communication groups on these key topics:

  • Group Structures
  • Group Models and Structures
  • Group Resource Levels: Staffing and Investment Trends
  • Group Services: Trends in Service Levels and Priorities
  • Building Bridges: Working with Colleagues
  • Forging Accountability and Clear Roles Among External Partners
  • Demonstrating the Value of Communications

To download complimentary a study excerpt from the Communications Excellence report, go to: . For related research, visit our Best Practices, LLC Web site at

Best Practices, LLC is a leading benchmarking, consulting and advisory services firm serving biopharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Best Practices, LLC’s clients include all the top 10 and 48 of the top 50 global healthcare companies. The firm conducts primary research and consulting using its comprehensive proprietary benchmarking tools and analysis. The operational insights, findings and analysis form the basis for our Benchmarking Reports, databases and advisory services to support executives in commercial and R&D operations. Best Practices, LLC believes in the profound principle that organizations can chart a course to superior economic performance by studying the best business practices, operating tactics and winning strategies of world-class companies.

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