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Effective Training Programs for Market Research Groups can Boost Overall Organizational Success

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Oct. 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Training market researchers to spot and communicate key insights is a critical success factor in today's highly competitive global marketplace. As resources shrink, companies must develop market research organizations that effectively and efficiently produce high performing analysts, regardless of their location, specialty or service area.

Effective training programs can help these analytics groups create value and earn recognition from internal clients by developing analysts who can drive business results and serve as strategic partners. To help Market Research and training leaders identify strategies to ensure effective and efficient training programs, research and consulting leader Best Practices, LLC recently conducted a cross-industry research study.

"From Classroom to Boardroom: Training can Propel Market Researchers from Order-Takers to Trusted Business Advisors" is a 82-page report that will help analytics team leaders determine if they are investing the right level of resources and developing the appropriate skill sets to create the high performing researchers they need.

According to the study, many training programs for analysts are adopting efficiency measures because of flat or shrinking budgets. Some of the measures uncovered in the study included:
  • Companies are eliminating training checklists, no longer training for the sake of training.
  • More training is individualized according to assessed needs, job requirements or interests.
  • More training is self-directed by employees and delivered on-demand via the intranet.
  • Online meetings and training sessions are replacing face-to-face events & reducing travel costs.
  • Centralizing support functions into a Center of Excellence/ Shared Services organization.
As part of this research project, Best Practices, LLC engaged 41 Market Research and training leaders at 35 companies through a benchmarking survey instrument. In addition, research analysts conducted deep-dive executive interviews with six selected respondents to collect qualitative data and insights.

To access the full report or to download a complimentary summary containing insights found in this report, paste this link into your browser:

For more information on this study or other recent primary research studies, contact us at 919.403.0251 or at


Best Practices, LLC is a leading benchmarking, consulting and advisory services firm serving biopharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Best Practices, LLC's clients include all the top 10 and 48 of the top 50 global healthcare companies. The firm conducts primary research and consulting using its comprehensive proprietary benchmarking tools and analysis. The operational insights, findings and analysis form the basis for our Benchmarking Reports, databases and advisory services to support executives in commercial and R&D operations.

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