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Health Outcomes Liaisons (HOLs) Serve as Key Bridge between Pharmaceutical Sector and Managed Care Groups

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – February 13, 2013. Managed care organization and other payer types – including the government sector – have become the key customer group for the pharmaceutical industry. To effectively convey a therapy’s safety and cost effectiveness with managed care groups, the pharmaceutical sector has turned to Health Outcomes Liaisons (HOLs) to fill this critical communication role.

To help pharmaceutical executives better navigate and understand the activities of effective HOL programs at leading organizations, research and consulting firm Best Practices, LLC has published a research study on the emerging role of these specialized communicators. The study, "Health Outcomes Liaisons Excellence: How the HOL Function Drives Value Across the Healthcare Industry," contains benchmarks and insights that illuminate how leading companies are delivering outstanding HOL services in an increasingly challenging business environment.

The insights in the 63-page study identify future trends expected to impact the HOL function and how executives tasked with supporting new products but burdened with headcount constraints and limited resources can gain critical efficiencies through HOLs.

The benchmarking study also addresses issues such as the:

  • Structure and resources of Health Outcome Liaisons (HOL) programs, including staffing, budget, geographic span, oversight responsibility, and services provided
  • Scope, frequency, and timing of HOL services
  • Methods HOLs use to engage internal and external customers and build lasting relationships
  • Differences in roles of HOL, MSL, Key Account Manager and Sales staff

This benchmarking research drew participation from 23 HOL program leaders from 19 different pharmaceutical and medical device companies. In addition, deep-dive interviews were conducted with five participating companies to gather additional insights.

To learn more about this report, download a complimentary report excerpt at For more information on other recent primary research studies, contact us at 919.403.0251 or visit our website at

Best Practices, LLC is a leading benchmarking, consulting and advisory services firm serving biopharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Best Practices, LLC’s clients include all the top 10 and 48 of the top 50 global healthcare companies. The firm conducts primary research and consulting using its comprehensive proprietary benchmarking tools and analysis. The operational insights, findings and analysis form the basis for our Benchmarking Reports, databases and advisory services to support executives in commercial and R&D operations.

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