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Implementing a Strategic Thought Leader Management & Engagement System

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Aug. 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The clinical and medical insights provided by Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) can be the difference between a product's success or failure. Despite this, many biopharmaceutical organizations struggle to effectively map and stratify KOL targets – and then to coordinate activities and outreach over time to build the type of strong relationships upon which successful KOL engagement rests.

According to recent research, savvy pharma companies have identified internal inconsistencies in their KOL management systems and are working to fill these critical performance gaps. For example, to overcome slack and inconsistency, a vanguard of best-in-class companies (38%) have developed a strong core team to lead KOL management companywide.

The related report, "Creating and Maintaining a Strategic KOL Management and Engagement System," provides leaders with an evidence-based understanding of current and evolving approaches to creating and maintaining an integrated, strategically-focused Thought Leader management system.

The study examines the following key areas:
  • Identify the most common and favored organizational structure for strategic TL management and engagement
  • Understand the current state of TL management practices in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Determine how TL management practices are evolving
  • Identify innovative practices that are driving TL management success at other organizations

The study engaged thirty-four Thought Leader management leaders from 29 biopharmaceutical and device organizations. In addition, insights were collected from deep-dive interviews with four participants.

To access the full report, or to download a complimentary summary containing insights found in this report, click on the following link:

For more information on other recent primary research studies, contact us at 919.403.0251. For related research, visit our Best Practices, LLC website at


Best Practices, LLC is a leading benchmarking, consulting and advisory services firm serving biopharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. Best Practices, LLC's clients include all the top 10 and 48 of the top 50 global healthcare companies. The firm conducts primary research and consulting using its comprehensive proprietary benchmarking tools and analysis. The operational insights, findings and analysis form the basis for our Benchmarking Reports, databases and advisory services to support executives in commercial and R&D operations. Best Practices, LLC believes in the profound principle that organizations can chart a course to superior economic performance by studying the best business practices, operating tactics and winning strategies of world-class companies.

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