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STUDY OVERVIEW Every manager knows that the reasons employees call in sick often have nothing to do with a sore throat or runny nose. Reducing the costs and lost productivity due to non-illness-related employee absences can be a significant source of savings for most companies. This benchmarking exchange sought to identify the effective practices and metrics that organizations use to address the complex factors that affect employee attendance. Managers and directors will benefit from the cross-industry insights from 27 companies to develop alternative programs to decrease employee absenteeism and improve company productivity and efficiency. KEY TOPICS
Industries Profiled: Energy; Health Care; Financial Services; Utilities; Manufacturing; Consumer Products; Computer Hardware; Technology; Chemical Companies Profiled: Allegheny Energy; Baton Rouge General Medical Center; CUNA Mutual; Duquesne Light Co; Eaton Corp; Frito-Lay; IBM Canada Ltd.; Intrado; Johnson Controls; New Brunswick Power; Nestle; NSTAR; Phillips; PSC; PSEG; Seagate Technology; Sun Life Financial; Dow Chemical; Washington Mutual
If you purchase Best Practice Database document(s), you will have 30 days from the date of purchase to apply some or all of the cost of the document(s) toward the cost of a Full Access Individual, Pharma, Group or University Membership. Write us at DatabaseTeam@bestpracticesllc.com or call David Guinn at 919-767-9179 if you have any questions.