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STUDY OVERVIEW The last decade has seen Medical Affairs move from a support function to a strategic, central function in biopharma. Change has been constant with Medical becoming the hub for insight and intelligence for the company, taking the lead in shaping the evidence agenda, establishing excellence in external engagement and value communication. Additionally, the Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a tsunami of rapid digital technological adoptions for Medical Affairs.
This research explores Medical’s role in product launch. The research probes medical activity timelines, and performance metrics. It further explores critical success factors and digital implementation for launch preparedness. KEY TOPICS
The study engaged 60 executives from 43 leading life sciences companies. Medical Directors and VPs represent nearly four-fifths of the leaders who shared data and insights on Medical launch activities in this study
Industries Profiled: Pharmaceutical; Medical Device; Biotech; Biopharmaceutical; Diagnostic; Health Care; Chemical; Consulting; Consumer Products; Clinical Research; Laboratories; Science Companies Profiled: Adamas Pharmaceuticals; AstraZeneca; Alcon; Albireo; Apellis Pharmaceuticals; ASC Therapeutics; Baxter Healthcare; BELLUS Health; Boehringer Ingelheim; BIAL; bioMerieux; Cardinal Health; Cipla; Eisai; EMD Serono; Genentech; Fidia; Eurofarma; GlaxoSmithKline ; GW Pharmaceuticals; Ipsen; Helsinn; Karyopharm Therapeutics; Kyowa Kirin; Labaid Group; Matinas BioPharma; Lundbeck; MEDiSTRAVA; Melinta Therapeutics; Inc; Merck Serono; NextGen Healthcare; Novartis; Pfizer; Pixacore; Gedeon Richter ; Sandoz; Sanofi; Santen; Sunovion; Takeda Pharmaceuticals; Thermo Fisher; Terumo Corporation; Vertex Pharmaceuticals
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