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STUDY OVERVIEW Given the expanding role of technology and the increased usage of iPads by Managed Markets teams, it's critical for organizations to measure the effectiveness of these new devices and to ensure they are creating value for both the customer groups and the internal teams. Best Practices, LLC undertook this research to investigate the issues of security & assessing overall effectiveness for the iPad as a tool for Managed Markets teams. The research is focused on valuable metrics surrounding security and compliance issues faced while using iPad and measuring the effectiveness of the iPad in a managed markets field setting. Executives can use this study to better evaluate their iPad strategy while ensuring their security procedures will protect confidential information. These research findings provide industry metrics and insights that can serve as a reference point for managed markets leaders as they seek to deploy and improve the usage of iPads in their groups. KEY TOPICS
Industries Profiled: Pharmaceutical; Biotech; Academic; Health Care; Electronics; Biopharmaceutical; Clinical Research; Laboratories; Chemical Companies Profiled: Janssen; Abbvie; Boehringer Ingelheim; Rimedio; Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; Abbott Nutrition; Lung LLC; Panasonic; Novo Nordisk; Biogen Idec; Sanofi; UCB Pharma; Astellas; Genentech
If you purchase Best Practice Database document(s), you will have 30 days from the date of purchase to apply some or all of the cost of the document(s) toward the cost of a Full Access Individual, Pharma, Group or University Membership. Write us at DatabaseTeam@bestpracticesllc.com or call David Guinn at 919-767-9179 if you have any questions.