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STUDY OVERVIEW Medical Affairs has become one of the key players in new product launches. The function oversees vital activities that span the critical periods of pre-launch, launch and post-launch. In order to maximize its launch impact, Medical Affairs groups need to create and maintain a strategic timeline for launch activities; deploy resources at appropriate points in this timeline and ensure that launch preparedness metrics are used to make sure activities adhere to the timeline. To examine how Medical Affairs can effectively plan and execute its role in overseeing launch timeline, resources and preparedness, Best Practices, LLC conducted a study that examines each of these critical launch components.
The first section of the study provides a qualitative overview on Medical Affairs and its growing role in launch; this chapter focuses on the development of a Medical Affairs strategy and work plan for guiding and supporting a product launch. Subsequent chapters study launch timeline creation across a dozen activities; launch staffing and investment across key periods; and launch prepared ness metrics across key activities. The study also reviews critical success factors and major pitfalls and technology tools used by Medical Affairs during launch. Medical Affairs leaders can use this study to compare how their organization utilizes Medical Affairs effectively in the build-up to launch. KEY TOPICS
Best Practices, LLC engaged over 60 Medical Affairs leaders from 44 pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies in this research study through a benchmarking survey, interviews and a roundtable discussion.
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