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Study Overview Charged with building and maintaining physician relationships, pharmaceutical Medical Affairs organizations typically oversee several important functions -- including publications, KOL programs, grants and medical education (CME) -- that have been impacted in recent years by a call for increased transparency. As such, forward-looking biopharmaceutical executives are evaluating Medical Affairs operations to ensure it is appropriately structured and resourced to operate effectively in the current environment. This Best Practices, LLC study explores how U.S. and global biopharmaceutical companies are structuring and managing their Medical Affairs organizations. The study also examines recent trends in budget and staffing resources, key challenges and top success factors for the function. Pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device managers and executives will be able to use this research to determine how their Medical Affairs organizations compare with industry benchmarks. Key Topics
Industries Profiled: Biotech; Pharmaceutical; Manufacturing; Consumer Products; Diagnostic; Medical Device; Chemical; Health Care Companies Profiled: Amgen; Astellas; AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals; Bayer Schering AG; Bayer; Auxilium; Becton Dickinson; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Cubist Pharmaceuticals; Esteve; Genentech; Johnson & Johnson; Myriad; Novartis; Novo Nordisk; Pfizer; Schering-Plough; Solvay Pharmaceuticals; Vertex Pharmaceuticals; ApoPharma; OctoPlus; Procaps; Savient; SK&F; Werrick
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