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Patient advocacy groups are an important part of educating the marketplace on the latest medicines and treatments. Collaborating with advocacy groups is particularly vital for educating the public on socially-sensitive conditions and treatment options. Consequently, successful biopharmaceutical organizations seek better ways to collaborate and manage relationships with key patient and professional advocacy groups. Best Practices, LLC undertook this benchmarking research to identify effective practices in patient advocacy group collaboration and relationship management. This study examines winning strategies, best practices, preferred structures, resource levels, responsibilities, collaboration approaches and lessons learned in patient advocacy collaboration. KEY TOPICS
Best Practices, LLC engaged 24 leaders from 21 top bio-pharmaceutical companies through a benchmarking survey. In-depth interviews were conducted to gather more detailed information pertinent to this study. More than 50% of participants are at the director/ senior director level. More than 70% of participants are from the United States.
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