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As the healthcare industry gravitates toward increased patient centricity, pharmaceutical organizations are taking rapid steps to improve the effectiveness of their patient support programs. However, in this new and challenging environment, patient support programs have evolved beyond just providing financial assistance for patients' medications. It is, therefore, important for organizations to develop a comprehensive strategy to effectively engage patients and improve outcomes. Best Practices, LLC conducted this benchmarking research to better understand the growing importance of establishing a patient centric organization and how it can positively impact patient outcomes and commercial results. This study delivers insights around internal and external partnerships, and implementing patient support hubs. It also identifies the best practices and pitfalls encountered in maintaining an effective Patient Support organization. Patient support leaders can use this study to compare how their patient support programs stack up against industry averages and trends. KEY TOPICS
Best Practices, LLC engaged 57 Patient Support leaders from 41 pharmaceutical companies in this research through a primary benchmarking survey. Research analysts also conducted secondary research regarding the different platforms that companies are using to engage with patients. More than 70% of the benchmark partners serve at the director level or above.
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