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STUDY OVERVIEW Revenue in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies is driven by product sales. Since the drugs being sold on the market are the most significant assets these companies own and operate, it is only logical that the way brands are managed should be assessed for risk and evaluated in terms of their governance principles. This study examines how brand teams manage their stakeholder relationships and decision rights, including: meeting frequencies, performance-based compensation and reviews and brand performance measures. Executives and managers working with brand teams can use this research to compare their teams' critical work practices and management performance practices with those outlined in this study. Key Topics
Industries Profiled: Health Care; Pharmaceutical; Diagnostic; Medical Device; Biotech; Chemical; Manufacturing; Consumer Products Companies Profiled: Abbott; Takeda; Stiefel; Shire; Schwarz Pharmaceuticals; Roche; Purdue Pharma; Orchid; Novo Nordisk; Novartis; Merial; Johnson & Johnson; GlaxoSmithKline; Genentech; Eli Lilly; Cephalon; Inc.; Biogen Idec; Bayer; Schering AG; Amylin; Alcon Laboratories
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