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Forge Top-Tier Biopharma Digital Strategy & Experience

ID: PSM-343


11 Info Graphics

49 Data Graphics

820+ Metrics

2 Narratives

Pages: 72

Published: Pre-2020

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Digital marketing innovation has transformed the way pharmaceutical and medical device companies engage with patients, physicians, payers and other important customer groups. To stay ahead of the curve, savvy organizations utilize new tools and tactics to educate key customers, to enhance reach, to boost speed, to raise sales force effectiveness, to measure and increase customer satisfaction, and to offset declining HCP access.

Video Brief

Best Practices, LLC, undertook this research to establish industry benchmarks on key digital marketing performance areas such as: digital strategy, launch excellence, staffing & investment, performance & ROI measurement, analytics, vendor management & service alignment, field sales support, mobile engagement, social media, electronic health records, digital health & innovation, and cost management.

Insights in this report will help digital marketing leaders benchmark the effectiveness of their function against those of leading pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Industries Profiled:
Diagnostic; Biopharmaceutical; Pharmaceutical; Manufacturing; Biotech; Consumer Products; Medical Device; Clinical Research; Health Care; Consulting; Laboratories

Companies Profiled:
Alere; Alnylam Pharmaceuticals; AstraZeneca; Bayer; Boehringer Ingelheim; CMIC; Daiichi Sankyo; EMD Serono; Medtronic; Merck; MSD; Novartis; Precision For Value; Roche; Salix Pharmaceutical; Sanofi; Takeda Pharmaceuticals; The Himalaya Drug Company; UCB Pharma

Study Snapshot

Best Practices, LLC engaged 21 digital, multichannel marketing and other commercial leaders from 19 leading healthcare companies through a benchmarking survey. Close to two-thirds of the participants serve at director level or above.

Key topics covered in this report include:

  • Digital Marketing Service Structure
  • Digital Marketing Staffing & Investment
  • Digital Operations
  • Digitizing New Product Planning, Launch & High-growth Products
  • Performance Measurement
  • Mobile Engagement & Digital Health
  • Innovative Channels, Programs & Activities

Key Findings

Sample key insights uncovered from this report are noted below. Detailed findings are available in the full report.
  • Digital Marketing Staffing & Investment: By 2018, the average percentage of total marketing dollars spent on digital programs will rise to 23%, up significantly from the current average of 18%.
  • Digital Operations: Companies are using digital tools and tactics to reduce overall marketing and education costs. Effective tactics include the use of virtual meetings and cloud-based networks.
  • Digital Marketing Service Structures: Among the top-ranked objectives of digital teams throughout the industry are: “increased customer access,” “increased customer satisfaction,” and “revenue growth.”
  • Performance Measurement: Email marketing, websites, and digital content & collateral building show the highest ROI among surveyed digital activities.
  • Innovative Channels, Programs & Activities: A majority of digital marketing teams are using social media strictly for social listening and data collection – rather than direct customer interactions.
Table of Contents

I.Executive Summarypp. 3-10
Research Overviewp. 3
Key Strategic Recommendations & Study Findingspp. 7-10
II.Digital Marketing Service Structurepp. 11-13
III.Digital Marketing Staffing & Investmentpp. 14-31
IV.Digital Operationspp. 32-40
V.Digitizing NPP, Launch & High-growth Productspp. 41-44
VI.Performance Measurementpp. 45-53
VII.Mobile Engagement & Digital Healthpp. 54-58
VIII.Innovative Channels, Programs & Activitiespp. 59-66
IX.Participants' Demographicspp. 67-70
X.About Best Practices, LLCp. 71

    List of Charts & Exhibits

    Digital Marketing Service Structure
    • Structure of digital marketing function within participating organizations
    • Top three objectives important to the future of digital marketing function

    Digital Marketing Staffing & Investment
    • Benchmark partners’ approximate total investment into digital marketing – total benchmark class, large companies vs. small companies and global teams vs. U.S. only teams
    • Percentage of total marketing budget devoted specifically to digital marketing activities and programs marketing – total benchmark class, large companies, small companies, global teams and U.S. only teams
    • Percentage of total digital marketing budget allocated to key activity areas – total benchmark class, large companies vs. small companies and global teams vs. U.S. only teams
    • Total FTE staffing investment in terms of internal company employees for all of digital marketing: current headcount and planned headcount for next year – total benchmark class, large companies vs. small companies and global teams vs. U.S. only teams
    • Total FTE staffing investment in terms of external contractors and consultants for all of digital marketing: current headcount and planned headcount for next year – total benchmark class, large companies vs. small companies and global teams vs. U.S. only teams

    Digital Operations
    • Effective approaches for boosting sales force effectiveness – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies
    • Groups with primary responsibility for listed core digital activities
    • Average number of vendors and agencies used by digital marketing groups across all of the supported brands
    • Innovative vendor management practices
    • Digital tools and tactics used to reduce cost

    Digitizing NPP, Launch & High-Growth Products
    • Impact of digital support on listed clinical and medical focused pre-launch product development programs – total benchmark class
    • Impact of digital support on listed pre-launch commercial programs for new products – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies

    Performance Measurement
    • Standardization of digital KPIs
    • Effective metrics for measuring digital performance of key channels – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies
    • Optimal reporting intervals for assessing the performance and conveying the ROI for listed digital marketing programs
    • ROI levels measured by benchmark partners for listed digital activities – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies
    • Valuable information streams and sources that can be used by digital marketing teams to distill insights and improve customer engagement – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies

    Mobile Engagement & Digital Health
    • Effective mobile apps and tools to educate customers and enhance decision making
    • Effective mobile apps and tools to support digital health and medicine
    • Integrating digital health opportunities into digital operations – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies

    Innovative Channels, Programs & Activities
    • ROI for innovative digital activities – total benchmark class and large companies vs. small companies
    • Innovative use of social media by digital marketing groups over the past year
    • Valuable tactics to support the expanded use of electronic health records (EHRs) by physicians
    • Steps taken to grow digital engagement with Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs)
    • Effective digital marketing strategies to raise share of voice
    • Top challenges for the digital marketing function