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The rising role of Medical Affairs makes it one of the most important pharma functions for driving internal success and winning public trust. However, the traditional performance metrics used by the function - such as number of thought leader engagements, number of publications in peer-reviewed journals, etc. - do not adequately represent the many intangible contributions made by the function. To address this situation, Medical Affairs leaders need to develop compelling KPIs to demonstrate and communicate the function’s value to internal stakeholders and senior leadership. Best Practices, LLC undertook this benchmarking research to probe the activities and success metrics that lead to an improved collaborative performance of the Medical Affairs function, thereby helping Medical Affairs leaders to communicate a strong value proposition to internal stakeholders and senior leadership. KEY TOPICS
Best Practices, LLC engaged 47 Medical Affairs experts from 34 leading companies in this research through a benchmarking survey, interviews and a roundtable discussion. Ninety percent of the research partners serve at the Director / Head level and above.
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