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OVERVIEW In this unstable economic environment characterized by zero profit margins, organizational restructuring, company-wide lay-offs and increasing competition in the marketplace, turning your most-valued customers into advocates is the key to survival. Using innovative customer listening posts - from web interactions and early warning systems to complaint tracking - is the first step toward defining and delivering the superior customer experience. Defining and delivering the superior customer experience is a differentiable trait of successful executives and profitable companies. They listen to, engage and align with external and internal customers to strengthen relationships through an integrated customer strategy. At the February 2009 Global Benchmarking Council conference, members and guests gathered to discuss insights, innovations, best practices and lessons learned to improve the customer experience, to increase customer loyalty and to increase the customer base during the economic downturn. Vice presidents, directors and managers responsible for improving the customer experience and impacting the bottom line from customer service, marketing, operations, sales and related areas will benefit most from these case studies from nine leading companies and the summarized transcripts from a targeted panel discussion and two facilitated roundtable discussions. COMPANIES AND CASE STUDIES Case studies include speaker biographies and company background before describing key challenges company leaders faced and how they overcame them, the connection between employee engagement and customer loyalty, the increasing prevalence of social media and online marketing tools and the strategic insights that can come from customer data. Speaker anecdotes, quotes, select slides, insights and key take-aways all liven the case studies with personal touches and graphics.
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