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Executives know that quality customer service is a key indicator for future success in sales. They are searching for ways to identify and cultivate high-performing sales representatives and to effectively utilize market research to improve branding and specific targeting. Integrated marketing is improving companies’ relationships with their customers and adapting marketing efforts to play a greater role in growth strategies. At the May 2005 Global Benchmarking Council meeting, members and guests convened to discuss how companies are utilizing customer insights and targeted market research to transform marketing effectiveness. Discussion focused on actual company experiences with integrated marketing and ways that companies are employing new techniques to improve sales. Vice presidents, directors and managers in sales force effectiveness, marketing and strategic communications, business systems, development and other benchmarking professionals interested in integrated marketing will benefit most from case studies of seven leading companies and summarized transcripts from the three facilitated roundtable discussions.
A group of elite companies discussed the end-to-end marketing-to-sales process from Market Research to the close and back again through account management, cross-sell and up-sell. Featured case studies included the following:
GBC members and guests utilized the above case studies to foster discussion in the following areas:
This report was compiled from notes taken during speaker presentations and in-depth roundtable discussions at the May 2005 Global Benchmarking Council meeting, “Leveraging Integrated Marketing to Drive Sales.
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