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Disease state education is an important part of a successful product launch, particularly for unknown or socially sensitive diseases. While biopharmaceutical organizations have long relied on disease state education to inform critical stakeholders such as physicians, patients and payers, leading companies also understand the importance of internal disease state education for employees for new products. This Best Practices, LLC study explores several issues related to internal communications regarding a new product: timing of messages, channels used, and success measurement. Best Practices, LLC conducted this timely research to help organizations better understand the optimal timing of messages for employees as well as the mix of communication channels to maximize reach and approaches to gauge the effectiveness of communication efforts. Brand and communication leaders can use this study to optimize internal disease state communication and education and build employee support for a successful new product launch. Additionally, the study gives particular attention to communication challenges around products that are first in class or treat conditions that are largely unknown or stigmatized.
Best Practices, LLC researchers surveyed a total of 32 executives, directors and managers representing 22 leading corporations in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. In addition, the research team conducted in-depth interviews with executives and directors at 11 of the surveyed companies.
Industries Profiled: Health Care; Pharmaceutical; Diagnostic; Biotech; Chemical; Medical Device; Consulting Companies Profiled: Abbott; Novartis; Actelion; Novo Nordisk; Boehringer Ingelheim; Pfizer; Eli Lilly; ProPharma; Genentech; Roche; GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis; Janssen; Takeda; Vertex; Merck; Sharp & Dohme; Watson; Nektar; Schering-Plough; Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals
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