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Study Overview Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are increasingly under pressure to deliver effective new products in shorter time frames while minimizing development costs. The structure, activities, and resources of New Product Planning (NPP) groups are critical to focusing new product development and optimizing product portfolios. This research identifies the structure and roles of NPP groups as well as the full set of activities that NPP groups perform across the development cycle. The study details the strengths and weaknesses of various NPP organizational structures and how the operational characteristics of the NPP function evolves as a company matures. In addition, the research examines dozens of NPP development activities in terms of timing during the development process, intended outcomes and value for the organization. Executives, directors, and managers in New Product Planning roles at pharmaceutical companies can use this report to implement structural changes to NPP operations and to enhance the interaction between Global and Regional NPP groups. In addition, this research provides leaders wtih actionable insights for strengthening the product development process of their organization to gain an overall competitive advantage in the marketplace.
NOTE: The data in this research are segmented into three parts: Global NPP Function for Large Pharma, Global NPP Function for Small Pharma and Regional NPP Function for Large Pharma.
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