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Pure Play Digital Launch: Launching a New Blockbuster Migraine Drug During a Global Pandemic

ID: PSM-374


39 Info Graphics

17 Data Graphics

80+ Metrics

23 Narratives

Pages: 67

Published: 2023

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In February 2020, Biohaven received FDA approval for Nurtec – a novel quick-dissolve oral drug that promises rapid relief from acute migraine and delivers sustained efficacy for two days.

Just 25 days following Nurtec's approval, the COVID-19 pandemic shut down of the US marketplace, making a traditional field-based launch impossible.

Many companies delayed drug launches, paused new clinical trials, and reduced workforces. However, after reviewing business, social and market factors, Biohaven pivoted to a full digital launch model and boldly entered the market.

This Best Practices, LLC case study examines Nurtec’s trailblazing, pure play digital launch that found a path to success despite the challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic. This assessment probes how Biohaven embraced new technology, digital education and digital messaging approaches to support one of the industry's first and most successful all-digital launches - which may prove an important milestone and road map for many other biopharma manufacturers in the future.

Disclaimer: Biohaven is not affiliated with Best Practices, LLC and Biohaven has not sponsored, endorsed or supported this analysis.

Video Brief:

Industries Profiled:
Biopharmaceutical; Pharmaceutical; Biotech; Consumer Products

Companies Profiled:
Biohaven Pharmaceuticals; AbbVie; Amgen; Eli Lilly; Novartis

Study Snapshot

Best Practices, LLC conducted extensive secondary research to probe how Biohaven used modern digital tools and technologies to successfully launch its ‘one dose’ migraine drug, Nurtec during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Findings

Select key insights uncovered from this report are noted below. Detailed findings are available in the full report.

  • Digital Market Shaping: Biohaven commenced its early disease awareness campaigns using digital communications. It began its digital market shaping activities at the American Headache Society long before launch.
  • Technology Driven Pivot: When the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown field launch operations, Biohaven pivoted to an “all digital” launch. It used virtual detailing for physicians, social media to inform and activate patients, celebrity campaigns to increase awareness, and telemedicine so patients could access HCPs and receive prescriptions directly at the patient’s home.
  • War Room Informs the Crisis Response: Biohaven used a “war room” to gather facts, assess lockdown impacts, and bring urgency to its new reality regarding how to convert to an all-digital launch.

Table of Contents

Sr. No.
Slide No.
Executive Summary: How Nurtec ODT Leveraged Virtual Platforms for a Successful Launch During PandemicPg. 3
Crowded Market: Nurtec ODT Entered a Highly Competitive Migraine MarketplacePg. 6
Market Shaping: Early Disease Education & Market Shaping Employed Online & Social Media TacticsPg. 13
Launch During Lockdown: The Nurtec Launch Team Turns to Technology to Enable an All-digital LaunchPg. 19
Social Media, Telemedicine and Celebrity Campaign: Deployment of Social Platforms and Virtual Technologies to Support Digital LaunchPg. 29
Launch Success and Future Steps: Early Success of Nurtec ODT with Innovative Launch StrategiesPg. 50
Lessons Learned and Winning StrategiesPg. 65
About Best Practices LLCPg. 67

    List of Charts & Exhibits

    I. Executive Summary: How Nurtec ODT Leveraged Virtual Platforms for a Successful Launch During Pandemic

    • Summary of key insights: Digital first insights
    • Nurtec’s digital launch success factors

    II. Crowded Market: Nurtec ODT Entered a Highly Competitive Migraine Marketplace

    • Nurtec’s ‘one dose’ positioning
    • Leading internal analgesic tablet brands in the United States in 2019, based on sales (in million U.S. dollars)
    • Nurtec’s formidable competitors
    • Nurtec’s comparison with AbbVie’s Ubrelvy
    • Biohaven’s go-to-market model for Nurtec
    • Biohaven’s strategy against larger competitors

    III. Market Shaping: Early Disease Education & Market Shaping Employed Online & Social Media Tactics

    • Summary of key insights: Market shaping lessons learned from Nurtec ODT
    • Market shaping disease awareness campaign
    • Unbranded website spotlighting unmet needs
    • COVID-19 pandemic shut down making a field-based launch impossible
    • Use of social media platforms to commence drug awareness promotion

    IV. Launch During Lockdown: The Nurtec Launch Team Turns to Technology to Enable an All-digital Launch

    • Summary of key insights: Digital-pivot lessons learned from Nurtec ODT
    • Pharma industry’s response to COVID-19 hits
    • Pressure to pause Nurtec’s planned launch
    • Biohaven’s war room set up to respond to the crisis
    • Pivot decision
    • Virtual launch amid COVID-19
    • Nurtec’s critical launch success factors
    • Nurtec’s original launch plan sequence
    • Biohaven’s revamped launch plan for Nurtec

    V. Social Media, Telemedicine and Celebrity Campaign: Deployment of Social Platforms and Virtual Technologies to Support Digital Launch

    • Summary of key insights: Social and telemedicine lessons learned from Nurtec ODT
    • Pivot to virtual communication
    • Programs conducted to drive awareness and extend Nurtec’s outreach
    • Spotlighting migraine treatment during the pandemic
    • Consumer activation strategy
    • Digital channels used to share patient experiences
    • Ensuing coverage with key payers
    • Partnership to enhance patient accessibility for migraine assessment and treatment
    • Expanding telehealth access options
    • Nurtec ODT patient support program
    • Ensuring quick delivery of product samples
    • Advertisements on social media platforms
    • Biohaven’s DTC TV advertisements
    • Campaign to amplify patient voices and educate consumers
    • An integrated digital, social media and public relations campaign
    • Harnessing social influence
    • Campaign to encourage patients to share their migraine stories
    • Nurtec’s patient ambassadors
    • Cautionary note around celebrity campaigns

    VI. Launch Success and Future Steps: Early Success of Nurtec ODT with Innovative Launch Strategies

    • Nurtec’s rapid launch uptake
    • Nurtec’s performance summary
    • Adoption of Nurtec among clinicians
    • Comparison of Nurtec ODT with Ubrelvy on key clinical attributes
    • Nurtec’s new-to-brand prescriptions (NBRx)
    • Net revenue of Nurtec ODT
    • Supplemental new drug application (sNDA) for Nurtec ODT
    • Global Commercialization Deal with Pfizer
    • Timeline of Biohaven/Pfizer Collaboration
    • Pfizer’s Acquisition of Biohaven and Further Growth
    • Reasons for Acquisition
    • Upcoming Competition for Nurtec

    VII. Lessons Learned and Winning Strategies

    • Summary of key insights: Lessons learned and winning strategies from Nurtec ODT