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STUDY OVERVIEW Telesales, or inside sales, functions most often serve as a venue for effectively managing customer, business and/or employee relationships. Optimizing the experiences of these key stakeholders requires a structured and cohesive telesales function. Key factors addressed in this study aim to help inside sales leaders establish or improve their telesales functions. It includes insights on the span of control for telesales managers, why telephonically linked agents are located centrally or virtually, the optimal call-routing structure for telesales, and best practices in the most common areas of improvements: telesales operations, people selection and management, and performance management. This study will benefit those managers, directors and vice presidents in charge of inside sales or telesales functions. Executives can conduct their own gap analyses and identify ways they can better structure, operate and manage their telesales functions to leverage and optimize customer relationship management via these metrics and qualitative insights. KEY TOPICS
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