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Increasingly, call center leaders are seeking to bolster their revenue by transforming traditional service channels into eservice and sales channels. However, such transformations are difficult. Call center executives and managers must effectively lead the integration of sales and service channels.
Successful service-to-sales transitions require overt and visible endorsement from senior leadership. Senior executives must be available to assist call center managers to communicate important messages at strategic junctures during the service-to-sales transformation process. Charismatic senior leaders are particularly effective in shaping and communicating the context of the service-to-sales transformation and can significantly influence employee responses to the change initiative. The key practices encapsulated in this 10-page document provide a basis for call center executives and managers to leverage the mesages, communications and goals that leaders have already successfully implemented throughout the service-to-sales transformations.
This research originated from a Best Practices, LLC research and consulting project. It was conducted for a client and was based on interviews and surveys with executives and senior managers in the telecommunications, financial services, computer software and other industries.
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