Assessing the Impact of Medical Affairs: Embrace New Measurement Strategies to Promote Your Value St.... (ID: POP-394)

As the demands on Medical Affairs teams continue to grow, demonstrating value and ensuring adequate investment requires focusing on measurable outcom...

Medical-Commercial Collaboration and Growth Areas: Success Stories, Expanding Stakeholder Universe, .... (ID: POP-384)

Rapid digital transformation in the biopharma space and the increasing demand for a seamless customer experience both underscore the need for enhance...

Global Medical Affairs Resourcing Benchmark for HEOR Functions (ID: POP-380)

Strategic resource allocation within the Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) function is critical to ensure productivity and cost-effective...

Establishing LATAM Standards for Field Medical Performance Excellence (ID: POP-377)

To achieve high impact within each of the diverse Latin American (LATAM) markets, biopharma manufacturers must focus on standardizing and improving t...

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